Physical Therapy in Ankeny, IA

Let our team help you heal naturally

Most patients feel relief after their first session!

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Top Rated Physical Therapists in Ankeny, IA

If you’re looking for a physical therapist, we have the perfect opportunity for you. Every member of our team has received professional training and is licensed. We can provide dry needling and therapy for any injury or emergency. You can trust our reliable solutions and professional service to ensure that your body is well-maintained.

Have you sought relief from chiropractors, physical therapists, pain management specialists, and still suffer from pain? Do you feel frustrated and hopeless? You can count on us to provide the support and care you need. Our physical therapists are proud to create individualized and personal physical therapy treatment plans that are unique to each individual.

Personalized Care from Our Team

There are no two people exactly the same. Therefore, injuries can be different even though they may affect the same body part. Our expert medical team will evaluate your condition and create a customized treatment plan that will get you back on track to being your best. Our staff will guide you through each visit with personalized attention and dedication.

Our Proven 4-Phase Recovery Program

It can be frustrating and overwhelming when you’re in pain and don’t know where to turn for help. Our physical therapy experts will work with you one-on-one to identify the root cause of your pain and create a personalized treatment plan that will reduce your pain quickly. We’ll also provide you with helpful resources like exercises and pain reduction tips so you can continue to progress even after leaving our clinic. On average our patients see a significant reduction in pain in 6 visits or less.

We all know that reducing pain is important, but sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated after the initial relief. It can be tough to keep up the momentum after your pain has subsided. You may feel like you’re stuck in a rut and don’t know how to get moving again. During Phase II, we help you regain your mobility, flexibility, and strength so you can continue on your path to success. With our help, you’ll be primed for future performance and able to prevent injury. 

You’ve been sidelined by an injury and you’re eager to get back to your old self as soon as possible. It’s frustrating when you’re injured and can’t do the things you love. Sitting on the sidelines is hard, especially when everyone else seems to be moving on without you. That’s where our physical therapists come in. We’ll help you rehab your injury so that you can get back to your old self as quickly as possible. With our personalized treatment plans and experienced therapists, we’ll have you feeling like yourself again in no time.

You’ve just suffered an injury and the last thing you want to do is go through the pain again. It’s normal to feel concerned that the injury will occur again. In fact, most people worry about this very thing. That’s why our physical therapists make sure that you are equipped with the tools needed to prevent any future injury. We’ll help you recover quickly and safely so that you can get back to your life as soon as possible.

Success Stories Testimonials

Meet Our Team

Dr. Josh Stewart


Owner and Lead Therapist 



Cupping is not a new therapy although it had a recent surge in popularity as high profile athletes have been seen with the characteristic large red dots on their skin during sporting events.

Dry Needling

Dry Needling is a treatment technique often used by physical therapists to relieve pain. It requires using a sterile acupuncture needle that is inserted through the skin into muscles, tendons, ligaments..


Electrotherapy is a type of physical therapy that uses electrical energy to stimulate and heal the body. It is a non-invasive and drug-free treatment option that can help patients manage pain, reduce inflammation..

Laser Therapy

LASER Therapy is also known as photobiomodulation. It entails the use of specific wavelengths of light to generate a photochemical response to help repair damaged or dysfunctional tissue.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a great first-line treatment for most muscle and joint problems. Clinically proven to reduce pain and dysfunction, physical therapy also saves you time and money too.

Sports Rehab

Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a serious athlete, sports injuries are a fact of life. A twisted ankle or an aching back can usually be treated at home. But for those breaks and tears that call for immediate medical..

Live Pain Free in Ankeny, IA

Our team understands that you want to live an active lifestyle that is comfortable and capable. Your body must work in order to achieve that. You are experiencing pain, injury or weakness, which can make you feel confused and frustrated.

We believe that you deserve a body that is fully functional. We know what it is like to be injured,which has led to our success in helping thousands of people get back to their active lives.

This is how we do it:

  1. Tell us your story
  2. Get your customized plan.
  3. Start feeling better.
  4. Conquer your goals.

Schedule an appointment now!

Our Physical Therapy Programs

We make sure that our patients receive high-quality physical therapy as well as training programs that are perfect for them!

If you have already sought pain relief from chiropractors, physical therapists, and pain management specialists, but still experience discomfort, you might feel frustrated and hopeless. We understand your struggles and are committed to offering the necessary support and care to help alleviate your pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are your patients?
Many of our patients have unfortunately been suffering for on average 10+ years and have failed many of the treatments provided by other health care professionals. They have spent a great deal of time and money on treatments and professionals who have not been able to provide a long-term solution to their issues. While some have received short term pain relief ranging from a couple hours to a couple days with these past treatments, they have yet to find a true, long lasting pain relief solution.

That’s where we come in! We are not in the business of creating “repeat customers” who require our patients to come in for treatment week after week and month after month. We find the root cause of your pain, educate you on what is causing your pain, correct the source of your issue and, most importantly, TEACH YOU how to fix the pain. This allows you to NEVER have to re-enter the healthcare system for your issue in the future as you will know exactly what to do to eliminate the pain if you happen to have a flare up!

Do I need a referral from my doctor to see you?
Thanks to the amazing advocacy efforts of the Iowa Physical Therapy Association and American Physical Therapy Association, Iowa is a “direct access state.” This means you are allowed to come directly to our practice for evaluation and treatment without a physician’s referral!
What are some common characteristics of your patients?
Our patients all share some common characteristics as healthcare consumers. First, they desire and expect high quality, effective, hands-on care. They do not want to spend their time and money on treatment visits where all they do is perform exercises that they could be doing independently outside of their therapy session. They value their one-on-one time with their doctor of physical therapy and want treatments and education on their condition that they cannot get independently.

Secondly, our patients take ownership in their health. Our patients have decided that enough is enough and it is now time to take control of their health and do what is necessary to reach their fitness and health goals whether those goals are returning to a walking program, returning to sport or playing with their kids without limitations. They are finished with suffering and are ready to make lasting changes to begin living their best life. They want to and are willing to be active participants in their recovery and are willing to put in the work on a daily basis to reach their desired outcome.

Finally, our patients want SOLUTIONS to their pain and issues, not just “band aids” or temporary pain relief treatments. They want to know exactly what’s causing their pain and want to know how they can actively help to solve their pain issues both now and in the future. Simply, they want answers to what is giving them their limitations and will do everything in their power to evolve into the best versions of themselves. They are done with the past suggestions of surgeries, injections, pain medications or any other “band aids.”

What issues do you treat?
The main diagnosis that people come both near and far to see us is a severely underdiagnosed and debilitating lower back condition called sacroiliac joint (SIJ) dysfunction. This is our specialty niche that we see all day every day in our practice. SIJ dysfunction does not show up on x-rays, MRI’s or other medical imaging so many healthcare practitioners don’t know how to diagnose and treat it effectively. This issue can also masquerade or present as other common lower back, hip and knee pathologies making it even more challenging to diagnose and treat.

Another common pathology we see a great deal of in our clinic is neck pain, specifically neck pain that is caused by chronic muscle tension. Many of our patients also present with chronic tension headaches in addition to their neck and shoulder pain commonly associated with this condition. This continued muscle tension that many of our patients are experiencing is mainly driven by the substantial amount of daily stress. We work with our patients to help manage and decrease their daily stress through revolutionary treatment devices and techniques that aim to increase serotonin, a “feel good hormone” found in the brain and other parts of the body.

We successfully treat a wide variety of shoulder, hip, knee and ankle issues in conjunction with SIJ dysfunction as most of our patients come to us with multiple diagnoses. Many of our patients have unfortunately been suffering for years with significant pain and have failed everything with respect to getting lasting pain relief from other healthcare professionals and treatments.

How is your practice different from a traditional therapy practice?
At Stewart Sport and Spine PT, we are a results-based clinic and do not fall into the traditional model of creating “repeat patients.” We have seen firsthand the results of the traditional therapy model and are not satisfied with the status quo. We are very transparent when it comes to your diagnosis or diagnoses and will communicate openly and honestly with you regarding if we can actually help solve your issues or alert you to the fact that your issues may require further medical attention. We provide you an expected healing timeline and detailed description on what your personalized plan of care would look like and include at your first consultation visit. We strive to provide the highest quality of care by spending the entire treatment session working one-on-one with our patients.

Due to progressively worsening reimbursement rates and increasing pressure from insurance companies to do more with less, the therapists at in-network clinics are expected to see at least 2 patients per hour (usually many more). They are also instructed to use technicians and assistants to provide much of the actual patient care. The treatments often include modalities like heat packs, electrical stimulation and ultrasound with the majority of a patient’s time at the clinic being spent doing exercises they could do on their own time.

Furthermore, these types of clinics tend to require patients to attend 2-3 appointments per week which can be a big time constraint for many people. Overall, this model of care frequently leads to less than ideal outcomes for patients along with prolonged recovery times. The care that you will receive at Stewart Sport and Spine PT will be provided by a doctor of physical therapy for the ENTIRE treatment each visit. Therefore, we can improve patient outcomes significantly faster with fewer visits and less time spent away from work, family and doing what you love.

How is your practice different from a traditional therapy practice?
At Stewart Sport and Spine PT, we are a results-based clinic and do not fall into the traditional model of creating “repeat patients.” We have seen firsthand the results of the traditional therapy model and are not satisfied with the status quo. We are very transparent when it comes to your diagnosis or diagnoses and will communicate openly and honestly with you regarding if we can actually help solve your issues or alert you to the fact that your issues may require further medical attention. We provide you an expected healing timeline and detailed description on what your personalized plan of care would look like and include at your first consultation visit. We strive to provide the highest quality of care by spending the entire treatment session working one-on-one with our patients.

Due to progressively worsening reimbursement rates and increasing pressure from insurance companies to do more with less, the therapists at in-network clinics are expected to see at least 2 patients per hour (usually many more). They are also instructed to use technicians and assistants to provide much of the actual patient care. The treatments often include modalities like heat packs, electrical stimulation and ultrasound with the majority of a patient’s time at the clinic being spent doing exercises they could do on their own time.

Furthermore, these types of clinics tend to require patients to attend 2-3 appointments per week which can be a big time constraint for many people. Overall, this model of care frequently leads to less than ideal outcomes for patients along with prolonged recovery times. The care that you will receive at Stewart Sport and Spine PT will be provided by a doctor of physical therapy for the ENTIRE treatment each visit. Therefore, we can improve patient outcomes significantly faster with fewer visits and less time spent away from work, family and doing what you love.

Do you take my insurance?
Many of our patients have the most commonly used health insurances in the United States. However, our clinic is not in-network with any insurance companies. Therefore, we do not bill insurance companies directly. This means you are responsible for payment up front for every visit. We do provide a “super bill” at the request of our patients to allow them to submit claims to their insurance to go towards their out of network deductible and possibly get reimbursement.
Can I use my insurance at all?
This ultimately depends on the insurance you have, but yes, most NON-Medicare patients can send “self-claims” to their insurance company for their treatments at our clinic. You should be able to print claim forms off your insurance company’s website and send it in with the needed receipts and treatment codes that will be provided upon request at our clinic.
Why is my insurance not able to be fully utilized?
In many ways, insurance companies dictate or strongly influence the treatments that patients receive at “in-network” clinics. We REFUSE to allow that to be the case. As previously stated, we utilize cutting edge therapy techniques that consistently produce superior results. However, in healthcare, “new” is not reimbursed. A good comparison is stem cell injections. Many people are experiencing significant pain relief with stem cell injections into their arthritic joints all throughout the country. But, since the procedure is still considered “new,” people are paying out of pocket for this injection as insurance companies will not cover it.

We are an out-of-network practice because this is the business model that is necessary to allow us to provide you the highest level of care possible to get you back to doing the activities you love to do. As previously discussed, due to progressively worsening reimbursement rates and pressure from insurance companies, the therapists at in-network clinics have to see at least 2 patients per hour (usually many more). We believe treatment style ultimately devalues our profession and more importantly compromises the quality of treatment that we are able to provide.

All of our patients receive one-on-one care and hands on treatment from a Doctor of Physical Therapy at every visit. When you consider the time savings of fewer trips to our clinic and the value of resolving your pain much faster than average, the out-of-pocket expense at Stewart Sport and Spine PT is a huge bargain. On top of that, the out-of-pocket expense for our treatment sessions is sometimes less than a patient would pay at a clinic that accepts and bills their insurance.

What is the Cost (Good Faith Estimate)?
The first visit consultation lasts 45 mins and is only $49 ($225 normally). Dr. Stewart will evaluate you and attempt to relieve your pain and explain his findings and determine if you are appropriate for his clinic. At the $21 consultation Dr. Stewart will quote you an exact price and length of treatment (number of sessions). Cost per visit range from $150-$249 depending on the complexity of your condition. All sessions are 1:1 with Dr. Stewart. The visits are between 30-45 mins. All patients coming for the $49 consultations will have the option to determine whether they would like to continue treating with him. We also accept Care Credit which is a health credit card that offers interest free monthly payment plans.